Glenn Beck Works

Brave by Glenn Beck
  • Glenn Beck

  • Brave

  • Oil

  • 16.0 " x 12.0 "
  • Based on the iconic 1904 photograph "A Son of the Desert" by Edward S. Curtis, this painting shows a young Navajo man, facing front, wrapped in a blanket that covers his mouth, his eyes wary but unflinching. For years, Curtis packed a camera and supplies and traveled by foot and by horse deep into Indian territories. He worked in the belief that he was in a desperate race against time to document the North American Indian before their native ways of life were destroyed. The result was a massive, definitive, and unparalleled work, "The North American Indian." This painting poignantly captures one soul, one story, among many, immortalizing him forever. This work goes to say: all is not lost.

    Proceeds of works sold will be donated to MercuryOne, one of Mr. Beck's non-profit organizations that includes a history museum whose library is only surpassed in volume and significance by the Library of Congress and The National Archives. MercuryOne also houses education classrooms, a large first responder team for natural disasters, two anti-human trafficking teams, The Nazerene Fund, which has freed, fed and housed over 100,000 religious minority refugees from the Middle East as well as continues funding for Operation Underground Railroad.
  • SOLD